Weber 32/36 DGV Air corrector


The air corrector is a vital component in the weber carburettor, assisting with the aeration of the fuel prior to delivery into the venturi, working hand in hand with the emulsification tube and the main jet. The Air corrector also plays a big role in stopping the fuel from 'syphoning' from the fuel bowl. Fuel aeration helps determine the size of fuel droplet entering the engine which can impact response and power.

How does an air corrector work in a Weber carb?

Operating under atmospheric pressure, the air corrector allows air to blend with fuel from the main fuel jet. Picture it as drinking through a straw: the engine creates vacuum, acting like your sip, and the fuel passage from the main bowl to the venturi functions as a straw. The air corrector is like a controlled hole in that straw, above the fluid. This controlled 'hole' determines the amount of air entering the system. A larger air corrector (bigger 'hole') allows more air to enter the straw, making it harder to raise the fuel from the bowl. The air corrector essentially acts as a vacuum bleed, fine-tuning the mixture for optimal combustion, making it a key element in tuning.

There is a pair of air correctors in a weber 32/36 carb, one for the primary runner and one for the secondary. Every engine prefers a slightly different air fuel ratio so it is wise to have a range of these to try.

When on the dyno with our race engines, most of our tuning is done by changing the size of the main jets and the air correctors.

These are sold EACH, and you can choose the size by clicking the drop down box.